Hepatitis is a disease that attacks the liver which is generally caused by a virus. There are five types of hepatitis named alphabetically namely hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. The administration of hepatitis drugs aims to fight the virus and prevent liver damage. Although named alphabetically, these types of hepatitis have different characteristics and are not a sequence of disease course. Hepatitis A and E are generally classified as acute and can recover in a short time. Meanwhile, hepatitis B, C, and D, including chronic diseases (chronic) and need special ongoing treatment to deal with it. Administration of hepatitis drugs must be adjusted to the type of hepatitis and the level of infection being suffered. Before intending to take hepatitis medications, it is important to consult a doctor about the symptoms you are feeling, in order to plan the treatment that will be undertaken. Hepatitis A Hepatitis A treatment can use other types of hepatitis drugs that work to relieve symp...